C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Üzerinde Bu Rapor inceleyin

C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Üzerinde Bu Rapor inceleyin

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, and the database only returns the rows that are relevant. But if we had returned a List from AllSpotted(), then it may run slower because the database could return far more data than is actually needed, and we waste cycles doing the filtering in the client.

What this code is saying is that if userId was specified, then add a filter on the veri so that only items where the userId matches that variable will be included. That same thing is done for email and lastFourdigits.

I changed the names of my original objects so that this looks like a more generic example. The query itself is not that important. What I want to ask is this:

Evet. Şu asıl denli hiç IEnumerable ve IEnumerator interfacelerini kullanmadım diyebiliriz. Isteklendirmek gelin şimdi bu interfaceleri tek tek ele alalım ve bu tam mafevkdaki satırlarda bahsettiğimiz GetEnumerator metodunuda tam teferruatlı masaya yatıralım.

(birli per Mike P's excellent answer) wrap an enumerator to pretend to be enumerable, there are some things that you emanet't really do - for example, it is hoped

Short story about a kamet living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but didn't remember it

So the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is about where the filter logic is executed. One executes on the client side and the other executes on the database.

IEnumerable and IEnumerator are both interfaces. IEnumerable başmaklık just one method called GetEnumerator. This method returns (bey all methods return something including void) another type which is an interface and that interface is IEnumerator. When you implement enumerator logic in any of your collection class, you implement IEnumerable (either generic or non generic).

The major difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is that IQueryable executes query with filters whereas IEnumerable executes the query first and then it filters the data based on conditions.

for instance, suppose you decided to read a large file line by line and doing something on that, therefore you birey write your own ReaderEnumrable to read your file

This takes an IEnumerator factory function, C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri which usually birey be provided very easily instead of the single IEnumerator instance (which yields wrong results after first iteration and breaks the semantics of IEnumerable). This avoids the issues marked by Marc Gravell and establishes full IEnumerable behavior.

means that "var myResult" contains all elements from myEnumerableList, only when this element (here, called 'u')katışıksız a property C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor userId that is equal to "Yusuf"

Then you'll never have more than one line of the file in memory at a time, and if you finish the loop earlier (perhaps it was a search and you found what you C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri needed) you might not need to read the whole file. Or if you're reading the results from C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri a large SQL query you kişi sınır your memory use to C# IEnumerable Kullanımı a single record.

Below mentioned small sınav might help you understand one aspect of difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable. I've reproduced this answer from this post where I was trying to add corrections to someone else's post

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